From Victim to Victor: unsticking negative workplace stories

Photo from Unsplash

As a reporter, I’ve had the privilege of meeting countless individuals from diverse backgrounds, each with their own fascinating ideas and stories to share. Not too long ago, I attended a workshop on promoting ideas and had the pleasure of crossing paths with an intriguing software developer named William. William captivated me with his story, which demonstrated a unique and inspiring application of the concept of stickiness. What unfolded was a tale of resilience, personal growth, and the power of turning the tables on negativity in the workplace. He gave me explicit permission to share his story here, so that others suffering the same fate could learn from it. Stick with me, while I retell his story:

William worked at a bustling tech startup. He was ambitious and talented young software developer. William was dedicated to his work and passionately committed to helping the company succeed. However, he struggled with social anxiety, which made it difficult for him to navigate office politics and build relationships with his colleagues.

One fateful day, during a high-stakes customer presentation, William’s anxiety got the best of him. He stumbled over his words and his presentation slides malfunctioned, leading to a disastrous outcome. The client was unimpressed and decided to take their business elsewhere. Word spread quickly about the incident, and whispers and gossip about William’s capabilities began to circulate throughout the office.

To make matters worse, William was going through a challenging time in his personal life. He had recently been diagnosed with a chronic health condition that required ongoing treatment, and the stress of the situation had taken a toll on his mental and emotional wellbeing.

As the gossip spread, a particularly malicious coworker named Carl started to bully William. Carl took every opportunity to demean and humiliate William, both in private and in front of their peers. William’s reputation suffered, and he felt utterly defeated, with his career and personal life hanging by a thread.

One day, William stumbled upon the book called “Made to Stick” by Chip and Dan Heath. He was particularly intrigued by the concept of “unsticking an idea.” The book inspired him to take control of the narrative and turn the tables on his tormentor.

William started by identifying the core message he wanted to convey: that he was a valuable and capable member of the team.
One day, he noticed a coworker, Sarah, struggling with a complex coding problem. Seizing the opportunity, he approached her and offered assistance. They spent hours working together. Sarah was impressed and grateful for his help, and she began to see him in a new light. This interaction helped him building a genuine connection with her, and they became friends. Sarah started to advocate for him and shared her positive experiences with other colleagues, which contributed to improving his reputation.

His coworkers began to see him in a new light and to appreciate his skills and dedication.

In another instance, the office bully, Carl, started a malicious rumor that targeted William’s personal life. He spread the story that William’s health condition, which required ongoing treatment, was the result of his own negligence and lack of self-care. This false narrative painted William as an irresponsible and weak individual, further damaging his reputation at work. Carl had a knack for making snide remarks and perpetuating stereotypes about William’s health condition. Some of the negative phrases he used included:

“Oh, look, it’s William, the walking medical disaster. How many doctors’ appointments do you have this week?”

Recognizing that he needed to take control of the narrative, William decided to overdo Carl’s derogatory comments and turn them into positive, self-deprecating humor. He responded with remarks like:

“You’re right, Carl, I do have a few appointments this week. In fact, I’m considering starting a loyalty program for my doctor’s office – maybe I can earn a free check-up after ten visits!”

By embracing the stereotypes and exaggerating them in a light-hearted and humorous way, William effectively defused Carl’s negative comments. His witty responses demonstrated his resilience and ability to rise above the bullying, ultimately winning the respect and admiration of his coworkers.

As William’s reputation improved, Carl’s attempts to bully him became less and less effective. Eventually, Carl’s own behavior was seen as the problem, and he was marginalized by the team. William, on the other hand, had not only managed to “unstick” the negative ideas surrounding him, but he also became a respected and valued member of the work family.

So next time you phase a negative situation, think about how you can turn the narrative to something positive!